POS Section
Added the option to display movie posters in the ticket office
Added a feature to prevent selling more tickets than the venue capacity
Added new quick ticket scan feature
Added last 4 characters of credit card in reprint function
Added summary print of cash X in cash drawer close function
Added option to keep transaction on screen after cashing out
Added a function allowing a quantity when selling a ticket using a Ciné-Card with validation of the defined maximum.
Added a function to put an admission back on a Cine-card
Added a function to withdraw a cash amount from a cash drawer which will be managed in the end of day closing
Added a fixed or variable price function in products to request the sale price during the transaction
Redesign of the site integration display with tab by type
Added an end date for performances in the Film-Details page allowing the film to be removed from the website after this date
Added analytical information and ratios in the “Weekly Sales” report
Added a column showing the discounts given in the “Concession Sale” report
Added a detailed sales table in the accounting reports / Accounting Entries
Added “Tip” column in transaction report
Modification of Rentrak, Swift and Maccs reports for management by film format and seat type
KIOSK Section
Added navigation buttons to the top of the screen
Kiosk removal in selection during Login
Added the request for the customer's name during an online sale and the information will be updated in the customer file
Added a “Landing Page” for circuits with multiple cinemas
Added the ability to print a QR code on the sales receipt in order to scan all tickets at once
Merge sales receipt and tickets into the same PDF file to speed up the scanning process